
ALL Workshops are at

Colyford Memorial Hall

Swan Hill Road Colyford EX24 6QJ


22 February 2025


SUBJECT – Animals and Wildlife in Watercolour.

The theme will be to explore the magic of colour and mark making to create fabulous loose paintings. Emphasis will be placed on painting fresh watercolours seeking to understate and simplify through good painting practice and technique. All whilst being great fun!

I will bring all photo references and tracing options. Students should bring ALL their usual watercolour equipment including two sheets of good quality watercolour paper, minimum size 15 x 11 either stretched or taped to a board (I use Arches 140LB Rough) and a spare for practice, white body colour such as white gouache, masking fluid and 2B and 2H pencils.

The workshop runs from 10am to 4pm at Colyford Memorial Hall, with a lunch break. Please bring your own lunch. Tea/coffee and biscuits are provided.

Cost ₤45 – Non-refundable Deposit ₤10 to secure a place

        1. Our BACS details are as follows:-
        2. Name: Seaton District Art Society
        3. Sort code: 30-90-37
        4. Account no.: 24080668
        5. Your Reference: Please use your name and Winkle as a reference

    Please confirm payment by e-mail to

    You can pay in full by BACs to Seaton and District Art Society (sort code 30-90-37, account number 24080668). Please use your name and Winkle as a reference followed by a confirming email to the treasurer, ( Michael Sidebottom – details can be found on your membership card ) or by cash or card at a club meeting.

    24 May 2025


    SUBJECT: Mixed-Media Abstract Floral Workshop

    My workshops are process-led with a curious, playful approach regarding the use of materials and tools.

 Inspired by gorgeous flowers, our senses will be activated tuning into the colours, scents and textures as inspiration. I will guide you through expressive mark-making exercises and mixed-media techniques using acrylic, ink, watercolour, pastels, collage and charcoal.

    Here is a list of suggested materials the participants will need, I’m hoping they don’t have to buy lots of these, it’s just a guide and it would be nice to have a bit of a variety to experiment with.

    Do students have boards to work on to clip paper to? What about easels? If you can think of anything else bring it along!

    This is just a rough guide:

    Painting apron or clothes you can paint in
    Sketchbooks or A4 typing paper for a few warm-up exercises
    x6 A3 thicker quality paper sheets, canvas or wood panel (If participants can decide for themselves what size and surface they would like to work on. If they prefer a landscape or portrait format to square formats, that’s fine. At least 2 surfaces to work on please; they do not have to be the same size or format)


    Acrylic paints – variety

    Acrylic inks

    Acrylic matte medium. Any other mediums to explore are welcome but optional

    Gouache/watercolour (optional)
    A palette knife and a variety of sized paint brushes from large to thinner
    Water container to wash brushes in
    Paint palette tray and/or mixing small pots
    Charcoal, colouring pencils, pencil or graphite stick
    Water-soluble pastels or pencils (optional)
    Pastels (I will bring some too)
    Candle wax chunk

    Hairdryer (optional)

    Frog tape or masking tape

    Old toothbrush

    Rags and/or wipes

    Spray bottle (any size, old kitchen cleaner rinsed out and filled with water works fine)

    Your own collage papers (optional)

    The workshop runs from 10 am to 4 pm at Colyford Memorial Hall with a break for lunch. Please bring your own lunch. Tea/coffee and biscuits are provided.

    Cost ₤ To be determined Non- refundable ₤ 10

    You can pay in full by BACs to Seaton and District Art Society (sort code 30-90-37, account number 24080668). Please use your name and PARKYN as a reference followed by a confirming email to the treasurer, ( Michael Sidebottom – details can be found on your membership card) or by cash or card at a club meeting

    13 September 2025


    SUBJECT – Painting Negative Spaces With A Reduced Pallette

    The focus of the workshop is split between playing with a limited palette and painting the negative space.Painting with a limited palette of Cadmium lemon, Alizarin crimson and Phtalo blue (plus white with oils & acrylics) allows the painter to achieve a wide range of colours which compliment, relate and harmonise with less reliance on using lots of pre-mixed colours.

    Focusing on the negative space sets a challenge to ones painting technique where you are able to create more satisfying and delicate shapes and textures by painting the colours surrounding them. It can add a little magic to ones process.

    On the day, I will supply A4 ply boards, some reference and a small amount of each colour for those who dont have paints. There will be a short series of demos at hourly intervals for the students to follow..

    I will be bringing greeting cards and prints if the students would like to purchase.

    The workshop runs from 10 am to 4 pm at Colyford Memorial Hall with a break for lunch. Please bring your own lunch! Tea/coffee and biscuits are provided.

    Cost ₤45 – Non-refundable deposit ₤10

    You can pay in full by BACs to Seaton and District Art Society (sort code 30-90-37, account number 24080668). Please use your name and Owen as a reference followed by a confirming email to the treasurer, ( Michael Sidebottom – details can be found on your membership card) or by cash or card at a club meeting

OW_002, Tue Jul 04, 2023, 2:50:43 PM, 16C, 11854×13018, (144+1656), 150%, NH_008 NoPolLa, 1/10 s, R46.9, G41.8, B56.8


For more information please contact our Workshop Organiser