The Artistic Hat Competition:
Our first Artistic Hat competition, Art quiz and Christmas buffet took place on 16th December 2024 in the Methodist church hall. What imaginative hatty-glory was created by club members, inspired by an artist or painting of their choice. Our original judge, Liz, who had suggested the idea, was sadly unable to attend, so it was last-minute judges, Viv and Terry who had the difficult task of choosing three finalists.
First prize went to Karen for her imaginative Claude Monet bridge and Water Lily Pond hat.
Jan’s hat, a delicately embroidered creation of the same subject, wouldn’t look out of place at a smart wedding.
Michael’s interpretation of Paul Nash’s Second World War painting Totes Meer (Dead Sea) was constructed on paper over his father’s Auxiliary Fire Service Second World War tin hat. The helmet was useful in Liverpool in 1940/41.
The Art Quiz:
Pauls and Terry’s fun art quiz was a breath of fresh air for artists with little knowledge of sports or pop music. The Quiz winners were Viv, Richard, Jan and Eunice.
Christmas Buffet:
Penny produced an amazing buffet of mince pies, sausage rolls, stollen, crackers with pate and much more; don’t know how she does it – and she still had time to make a Sonia Delaunay hat.
Other Artistic Hat Competitors:
Richard’s Van Gogh’s Sunflowers.
Eunice came as Banksy with a board strapped to the back of her head representing his famous shredded painting that sold at Sotheby’s in 2018 for 25.4 million dollars.
And here is Liz, sitting quietly at home with her new hip, modelling the Salvador Dahli Melting Clock Hat that she intended to wear while judging the competition.
Sue also chose Dali’s Melting Clock, Jackie was Freida Kahlo while Jan, Agna and Karen chose Monet’s Garden.
Jackie’s Freida Kahlo’s Hat
Robert and a Mystery Lady interpreted Magritte’s Son of Man self-portrait.
Our Chairman Paul’s hat was an amazing creation of Van Gogh’s Wheatfield with Crows.
Vivienne’s Beryl Cooks Leopardskin Lady . . .
Louis Wain’s cat hat by Beryl